60 Thompson Street, Fairfield, CT 06825
Since 2005, the Wakeman Boys & Girls Club McKinley School-Based Site has provided after school enrichment and mentoring programs for McKinley's students and volunteer opportunities for area high school students.
In 2021, the Great Futures Before & After School Program at McKinley School in Fairfield replaced the former stand alone classes and now offers a full slate of after school activities and mentoring, as well as before-school programming to start the day off right. All McKinley students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 may participate.
Through the After School Program, McKinley students connect with consistent role models, strengthen their academic skills, and socialize with peers.
More information on the CLCC After School Program is available at the bottom of this page.
Registration (online only) for the 2024-25 After School Program at McKinley is now open. Call 203-259-4805 Ext. 251 with questions. The program starts on Tuesday, August 27.
Location: McKinley School
Grades: K-5
Times: 7:00-8:45am at McKinley School
Activities: Staff help kids start the day right with story time, games and other activities. Time is also available for students to pick up and eat school breakfast. Students must meet any eligibility requirements for school breakfast.
Register in person at the Southport Clubhouse.
Program Start Date: August 27. Families who wish to withdraw from BSP are required to give two weeks' notice to the Membership Director.
Tiered Fees: Fees are weekly, regardless of the number of days per week a member will attend.
Selected by family based on income.
Tier A: $69/week
Tier B: $55/week
Tier C: $41/week
Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s Before School Program, serving 6 through 12 year olds, is exempt from the State of Connecticut childcare licensure as per the Office of Early Childhood. All Wakeman BGC programs adhere to the membership and safety standards set forth by Boys & Girls Club of America.
Location: McKinley School
Times: 3:15-6:00pm daily after school at McKinley School (1:40pm on Early Dismissal Days) beginning August 27.
Activities: The ASP Program includes five days of activities per week for all participants and incorporates numerous high yield learning experiences in academics, Art, STEM, play and mentoring, including through partnerships with Apple and Mystic Aquarium. The Program at McKinley is a 21st Century Community Learning Center.
There are several ways to participate in the After School Program at McKinley School. Please view program details to determine which option is best for your family.
The After School Program is offered at no cost to low-income families. Restrictions and limitations apply.
Location: Southport Clubhouse
Grades: 3rd-5th Grade McKinley Students
Times: 3:00pm-6:00pm. Bus departs McKinley at 3:25 and drops off to Southport Clubhouse.
Activities: A variety of activities in the Club's Gyms, Gameroom, Turf Field and Classrooms, including sports, STEAM, homework help and other activities.
Registration: Online only.
Program Start Date: September 2
Fees: Vary based on tiered fee options. Click here for the Southport Clubhouse's After School Program Page.
Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s after-school program, serving 6 through 12 year olds, is exempt from the State of Connecticut childcare licensure as per the Office of Early Childhood. All Wakeman BGC programs adhere to the membership and safety standards set forth by Boys & Girls Club of America.
Before School Program Fees
Tier A $69.00/week
Tier B $55.00/week
Tier C $41.00/week
More information on fees is available here.
Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s Leadership, Resource Development Team and Professional Program Staff have a strong relationship with the Fairfield Health Department, Center for Family Justice, Fairfield Social Services Department, Fairfield Police & Department, Sacred Heart University Psychology Department, Town of Fairfield First Selectwoman’s Office, Fairfield’s Office of Community and Economic Development, and CT Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs as well as local senators and representatives of the Connecticut General Assembly. The Club also maintains a long-standing relationship with the Kiwanis Club of Fairfield. Collaborating partners include McKinley School, McKinley PTA, The Fairfield Kiwanis Club, Scholar Athletes Serving Others (SASO), Fairfield Cares Coalition (Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Education), Fairfield Preparatory High School and Fairfield Public Schools Superintendent’s Office.
Policy on Partnerships
WBGC does not have any paid contractual partnerships serving the CCLC program at McKinley School.
For established partnerships we will evaluate partnerships once a year pertaining to relevance, impact and goals and alignment with BGCA philosophy.
WBGC considers new partnerships that will forward our philosophy and goals by actively seeking and carefully considering when approached.
Accessibility Under ADA Policy
Under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) policy, all classrooms must be wheelchair accessible. This includes installation of an elevator in two-story school buildings. Additionally, ramps and handicapped parking are required for facilitating easy access to school buildings. Bathrooms must have wheelchair accessible toilets and a lowered sink. In lunchrooms, there must be wheelchair accessible tables. On playgrounds, many schools offer specialized equipment so that wheelchair bound children can use the playground and enjoy their recess freely.
Advisory Committee
Our priority for creating and implementing an advisory board is to always put the needs of the students first, collaborating with school faculty, parents, Wakeman BGC staff and school administration. Meetings will be held the first of every month or the last week of every month. The advisory committee will consist of a school staff, parent, Wakeman BGC staff, WBGC program director and the social worker from the school as well as an individual from the school administration i.e. vice principal or principal. It is not necessary, however, encouraged to have a parent be present for the meetings and on the advisory board to give a perspective on child interaction with the enrichment and success of the program.
Program Sustainability
Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s Program at McKinley is funded through various funding sources, including private donations and program fees. Current or recent grants funding the program include:
WBGC continuously seeks opportunities and partnerships to increase funding for current programs, enhancements, new programming, and replace limited period funding. WBGC’s Resource Development Office and Operations Team work together to identify and cultivate funding partners in its monthly Resource Development Meetings and ongoing conversations with potential funders. WBGC also consults with Fairfield Public Schools for potential funding opportunities. Potential funders are invited to reach out to Margaret@wakemanclub.org.
Great Futures Mentoring: 9th-12th grade volunteers mentor their K-5th grade mentee in a weekly two-hour session, spending time with other mentors and students for homework, life skills, social lessons, games, crafts, sports, and more.
Volunteers must commit to a consistent day for a minimum of 1 season of the school year (fall, winter, spring) and 2 hours per visit. Mentors can volunteer at McKinley Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays 3:10pm-5:10pm .
More information on the CLCC After School Program is available here:
Funded by various grants, these programs are free or low-cost for participants.
Contact Site Director LaVera Jackson at Ljackson@wakemanclub.org or 203-259-4805 for more information.
As members of the Club, McKinley students are eligible for programs and activities at the other Wakeman BGC sites in Fairfield and Bridgeport.
Additional fees may apply.
School's Out Program at Southport Clubhouse
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