Grades: 3 - 5
Date: Monday, Mar 31 (no school!), 2:30-4:30 PM
Fee: Free for Members
Location: Southport Clubhouse Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.
For this double elimination tournament, players submit teams of 6-7 players by completing a team application available at Tourney end time varies for teams. Pizza and drinks will be available for purchase. Members of the winning team earn a prize! Each player must be a current member.
Note: Registration form is on the Southport Clubhouse’s Fitness & Recreation webpage, not in the online registration page portal. Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.
Note: Additionally, please register your team below.