Special Events at the Club

Annual Flashlight Egg Hunt

Grades: K-5

Fee:  $15 for members ($22 for guest of member)

Program Date:  April 4, 6:45pm-8:15pm

Location: Southport Clubhouse Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.

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Join us for our third annual Flashlight Egg Hunt as we flash it up and go on an adventure in the dark on our turf field. Members will also enjoy a craft and playing spring-themed games.  Each participant will go home with a candy bag that they decorate. Please bring a flashlight. Dress for the weather. Event will be held indoors if raining. Presented by our service clubs: Future Leaders of Wakeman, Torch Club and Keystone Club.  Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.

Dodgeball Tournaments

Grades: 3 - 5 

Date:  Monday, Mar 31 (no school!),  2:30-4:30 PM

Fee: Free for Members 

Location: Southport Clubhouse Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.

Register Now

For this double elimination tournament, players submit teams of 6-7 players by completing a team application available at www.wakemanclub.org. Tourney end time varies for teams. Pizza and drinks will be available for purchase.  Members of the winning team earn a prize! Each player must be a current member. 

Note: Registration form is on the Southport Clubhouse’s Fitness & Recreation webpage, not in the online registration page portal. Van transportation may be available from the Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse and Madison Avenue Clubhouse; inquire at MAC and SBC for details.


Note: Additionally, please register your team below. 

Submit a team!

Kids Night Out/Movie Night

Featuring a movie, open gym and game room!

Grades:  K - 6

Fee:  Free for members. Bring a guest for $10.      

Dates & Times: 6 - 9 PM; Spring Dates TBA. Movie titles are shared one month prior through monthly Clubhouse emails and at front desk.

Location: Southport Clubhouse

Register Now

Join us for our popular movie night on our jumbo screen! Don’t forget your favorite sleeping bag, lawn chair, and stuffie. FREE Popcorn for all moviegoers, with other snacks/candy available for purchase. Parents/adults are not allowed to attend movies.

Girls Night Out

Grades:  K - 4 and 5 - 12

Fee:  $25 

Dates/Times:  Friday, March 21

Grades K - 4 from 6 - 8 PM

Grades 5 - 12 from 8 - 10 PM

Location: Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse

Register Now

Girls! Enjoy a cool night out of delicious food, DIY Spa, Sip n’ Paint, Manicures and more. Hang and make friends, have new experiences, be creative, bond and have lots of fun, fun and more fun! All participants get a gift bag.

Boys Night Out

Grades:  K - 4 and 5 - 12

Fee:  $25 

Dates/Times:  Friday, March 28

Grades K - 4 from 6 - 8 PM

Grades 5 - 12 from 8 - 10 PM

Location: Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse

Register Now

Boys! Enjoy a cool night of delicious food, Glow in the Dark Basketball, and an NBA 2K Tournament. Hang and make friends with new experiences in a night full of fun, fun, and more fun! All participants get a gift bagants get a gift bag.

Teen Night at the Club

Grades: 9 - 12

Fee: Free for members 

Dates/Location: Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse - March 1, 15, April 5, 19, May 3, 17

Time: 1 - 5 PM

Dates/Location: Madison Avenue Clubhouse - March 7, 21, April 4, 18, May 2, 16, 30.

Time: 6 - 9 PM

Twice monthly at MAC and SBC, teens gather for fun, hanging out and camaraderie with their peers and BGC Staff. Gym, movies and the Performing Arts Center will be available. A strong emphasis is placed on career exploration, college preparedness with SAT test preparation courses, local and regional college campus visits, as well as behind-the-scenes visits to local corporations for exposure to the business world. Some activities may be held outside of Friday nighttime.

Family Fun Nights

Grades:  K-8 members and their families

Dates:  Announced Monthly

Time:  6-8 PM

Fee:  Free

Location:  Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse

Registration Coming Soon

WBGC members and their families are invited to join us for our monthly free Family Fun Night! Every month features a different activity. A parent/guardian must accompany members. Free dinner is provided each night.

Upcoming Family Nights:
March - Scavenger Hunt
April - Bowling Night (Nutmeg Bowl) (*Price TBA)
May - Outdoor Adventure Night 
June - Bingo & Ice Cream Social

Holiday Events

The holidays are magical times to connect our community to our Club Kids who need extra attention and care or just love a reason to celebrate with friends. WBGC Provides opportunities for Club Kids to benefit from parties, breakfast events and more. Activities are announced during the year.

Memorial Day Marching

Grades:3 - 12

Fee: None

Date: Memorial Day

Location: Fairfield

Join us for our annual march and float ride in the Fairfield Memorial Day Parade! Teen members are also welcome to join us in construction and design of the float in May! Details about float construction and marching will be available May 1, 2025, from the Southport Clubhouse.

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